Berlin, MA is a town in Worcester County and was first settled in 1665, it was officially
incorporated in 1812. It is a town with a population of 2,866 according to the 2010 census, It’s
boarding towns consists of Marlborough to the east, Hudson, Bolton to the north, Clinton &
Boylston to the west. Berlin is known to have a mix of past and present. There is a presence
of tradition with the motion plans of its future.

Property Pro Construction is a licensed unrestricted construction company we are fully
insured as required to perform any type of retail, residential and commercial Construction.
We are a full service construction company with experience in all aspects of retail and
commercial construction to serve the town of Berlin, MA.

Contact us today.

Contact us today. (508) 832-6776
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Check out our Residential Work
Asland, MA | Auburn, MA | Brookfield, MA | Boylston, MA | Charlton, MA | Clinton, MA | Douglas, MA | Dudley, MA | Framingham, MA | Grafton, MA | Holden, MA |
Hopkinton, MA |Hudson, MA | Lancaster, MA | Leicester, MA | Leominster,MA | Marlborough MA | Millbury, MA | Northborough, MA | Northbridge, MA | Oxford,
MA | Palmer, MA | Paxton, MA | Rutland, MA | Shrewsbury, MA | Southborough, MA | Southbridge, MA | Spencer, MA | Sterling, MA | Sturbridge, MA | Sutton, MA
| Uxbridge, MA | Webster, MA | West Boylston, MA | Westborough, MA | Whitinsville, MA | Worcester, MA
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